Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Shadow Examples

Shadow Examples

Every one of these photos are good examples of shadow.  Not only do some include color, some (such as the last) have unique ways of showing what the real item is that's making the shadow. 

Monday, November 18, 2013



This photo reminds me of the theme cold because it looks like a door from a horror movie, in a basement scene.  I usually connect basements with cold and rough floors, which actually give me goosebumps as I think about it. 

This is the stone in my basement, on the walls, which reminds me of cold because I accidentally fell into the wall as I was washing clothes and I jumped really high because of the difference in the temperature of my skin and the wall. 

This photo is a photo of a picture, which reminds me of cold because when I think of the past, I think of a time you can't physically feel, which makes chills run up my spine because I don't know the story behind the picture . . . and that makes me wonder about all the bad things that could've happened in that time period.  Also, sometimes people have a really bitter (or cold) attitude towards weddings and the picture in this picture is of two people (my mom's boyfriend's grandparents) at their wedding. 



This photo reminds me of the theme abandon because no one has touched this record player in awhile; there is gathered dust and the machine is old. 

This reminds me of abandon because there are tethers on the collar, which had been worn for a long time by my dog.  We actually lost it in the house, which I found wrapped around one of our untouched chairs in the basement on a rug. 

This photo is a good example of the theme abandon because the dog looks sad and whenever a dog looks sad, it reminds me of the strays that run around towns and cities, looking for love.  Also, most of the time, when I think of an "abandon" picture, I think of black and white. 



This photo reminds me of warmth because it's fire and I'm pretty sure fire is hot. 

These are fake candles that actually let off a warm feeling around them.  They remind me of warmth because when I'm cold, I turn it on and hold my hands over them.

This light reminds me of warmth because when I lived with my grandparents, it got so hot that one of the lights exploded, which caused them all to explode.  Usually an explosion reminds me of warmth because it starts things on fire. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Best of Quarter One

Best of Quarter One

I picked this as one of my best photos because the lighting is really good, the colors stand out, it catches people's eyes, the effect of the droplets of water give the photo a quality that most others don't have and it's one of my absolute favorite pictures I've ever taken. 

I like this photo because of the color and the angle. 

I picked this photo because it's one of my favorite; it took me forever to get this shot and I'm really happy with the outcome of the water ripples.

This is one of my first photos ever taken for photography and I love taking pictures of my dog. she's photogenic and I love the effect the camera created on her eyes. 

I like this photo because of the angle. My dog looks like it has an oversized head for her body. Also, her eyes are extremely sharp in this photo.