Thursday, December 12, 2013


Shadow Photography

Shadows can be easily seen in this photo.  First, there's the light that shines onto each ledge, casting a short shadow onto the one below it.  Eventually, all those shadows pile up and there's the darkness on the edge of the ledges, hiding the flooring and only showing a select portion of the object being photographed.

You can easily see the shadow of the dog's ear and the darkness in the background, due to the tall figure she offers up in the picture.  There's also a shadow from the bottom of the bed, casting over the floor and shadows below her jawline, making this a prime example of shadow photography. 

This is the final photo for this post.  The shadows aren't as easily seen in this picture, but the shadow from the top of the bed casts over the dog and the ground, hiding everything slightly.  Another reason this is a good example of photography is the way it's set up; where the bed casts over everything else in the picture, giving the photo a feeling of coldness and depression, which I associate with shadows. 

1 comment:

  1. Because the flash was used in all three photographs, there are very limited shadows in the pictures. The light source needs to come from somewhere else besides a camera to get good shadows. Also, "shadows" was the theme and should be a larger part of the subject than the dog.
