Thursday, October 31, 2013

Abandoned Examples

Abandoned Examples

I really don't like this photo but it is a good example of the theme abandonment because it's literally an abandoned home that people used to live in.

This photo is by far one of my favorites.  I really like it; it makes me think of the death of an elderly man, who as stuck in a chair for most of his life.  His feet are still anchored to the chair because they're what made him move and his arms propelled it forward.  He had to abandon his chair in death, leaving it where it sat.  I like the visual analogy that the ghost is still attached to the chair and that the chair is left somewhere that looks like it hasn't been touched in many, many years.

This photo of a desk in an abandoned building made me immediately think of a movie I saw, where all the kids in a psyche ward died in a fire, believed to be caused by a ghost attack.  It makes me wonder who once sat here and what they wrote to who or what kind of mind they had.

For some reason, this particular picture reminds me of the victorian ages, with the green, stone walls and the way the windows are shaped.  It makes me think of an abandoned castle or something, somewhere in Europe.

This photo is extremely emotional for me to look at, as this breed of dog (Pit Bulls) are often misunderstood and abandoned / left to die when they become too much to handle.

I like this photo mainly because it's black and white; it also reminds me of a scary story my grandfather once told me when I was a young girl.

I once watched a supernatural horror show, and there was an abandoned post office.  This photo reminds me of the ghosts opening and closing the drawers, trying to find letters their significant other wrote and they never received.

This is a good example of abandonment because it gives off a spooky, cob-web kind of feeling.  When I first look at it, I thought it was straight out of a horror novel, as it reminded me of one of the settings of a book I read once, where a house burned down and the family abandoned the property.

This photo reminds me of something my youngest cousin lost a couple weeks ago.  It looks as if a child would've played with this stuffed animal and they must've forgotten about it somewhere, like a bedroom or an old house, so here it sits, to be photographed.

I feel this photo is a good example of abandonment because no one is sitting in this chair, which is surrounded by dirt and a lot of broken pieces of concrete and looks as if it hasn't been touched in years. 

1 comment:

  1. Could you please email me and let me know where the abandoned buildings featured here, actually are... Especially the 1st one. I would greatly appreciate it!
