Thursday, January 9, 2014


Decay Photography

This onion represents decay because it is old, rotting and cut up.  After it's thrown into the yard for the rabbits we have, whatever isn't eaten is going to waste away and go back to the earth. 

This color doesn't represent decay in the way people usually think it does.  It represents the decay of life passing and an animal growing older.  My dog wore this color for years and she finally got a new one; this, to me, represents the decay of her puppyhood, of her passing life, of growing older and making memories.  This isn't the decay of an object; this is the decay of life.   

This object represents decay because it's old, used.  Over time, many different things have influenced the book's condition, from being packed away in boxes in the basement to being held in people's oily hands to puppy teeth and play.  This photo and it's contents represents, to me, the decay of time, rather than the decay of an object. 

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